Monday, August 16, 2010


So i've been doing phsyio for the past 6 weeks!!!

My range of motion is waaaaaay better. I can move and reach. Lifting is a huge problem still. My clinic has recently added another phsyiotherapist. I have never before had a male "doctor". But this is kinda different.

So I got switched over to him as my phsyiotherapist because of the way my hours at work are. I've never felt comfortable talking with a male about my body. But there was something about Sean that made me reconsider. He is SUPER professional. Usually with my shoulder there isnt much touch and feel its me doing exercises. Then him watching and coaching. He hasant had a chance to get digging around in there yet. Kim was doing that before. So today I got put on a brand new set of exercies. My body had NO idea what was going on. I couldant even explain it. It was like cutting up a whole chicken and popping the drumstick off. No other way to explain it.

So I know this sounds stupid. Really I know it does I got in the car and called myself an idiot.

I was terrified to have him touch me. For someone to give me a hug is fine. But to have a guy put both hands under my shoulder and feel all my muscles moving was another story for some reason. I dont know why. Nothing was wrong it was just something that never ever happens. He was totally calm and cool about it. Everytime I wasant able to describe soemthing he was able to figure it out by holding is hand against my shoulder and letting me do the exercise and could tell me what it was. All in all I can say it was pretty cool. I though I knew and understood my body pretty well but it turns out I had no idea. I never took bio beyond highschool so I have no real understanding of how the human body works.

Anyway, I know this is a huge note of no real point I just needed to get it out.

Anyway I decided I decided on the way home that I feel perfectly fine with Sean as my phsyiotherapist. He's seems to be very well educated and knows how to work on strengthing my shoulder!! One thing that I really like about him is when ever I dont understand how my body is working he gets out all the little models and shows me so I understand. Anyway science class is over as we say in phsyio.

My advice for the world: Know your body. Take time to figure things out!! Take care of your body!

My words of advice: The people who go through life thinking bad things wont happen to them are fools.

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