Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stolen Car recovered.... details reveled.

Well world.

As my last post said yesterday my car was recovered by Peterborough city Police. Like maybe a week ago I got the bright idea that I would be able to find the car before the police. I drove around to every dirty town house low rental parking lot 24 hour gym. etc.

Well yesterday morning when I saw Private Number come up on the phone I knew my car had been recovered. I wont lie I was scared to hear what she has to say.

So my car was recovered up at highland heights public school. For anyone who knows Peterborough go left at the Tim Hortons on Chemong its up on the right. Well when I was driving around trying to find my car I was so close to finding it. I was litterly a head and flower bed on a little hill away from it. I was in 1 parking lot and it was in the one beside me that I didnt know was there. SO CLOSE! Basically you go back out onto the road drive down turn onto a cul du sac go the the end and there is a parking lot that connects next to the same parking lot. SO CLOSE.

Anyway the officer informed me on the phone that they were on the way out to take prints from my car and that I could go see it during the afternoon if nothing came off it..

I spent my day with dad not worrying about the car and not having any real idea what condition it was in. I called the Police and was told that nothing was a match off my car and I can go down and look it over. So I went down to the towing company to see my car. .............. I forgot how cute it was. Its a really cute car!!! But it was completely covered in finger print dust inside and out top to bottom including the engine. It looked grey compared to navy. But with the exception of a few dents and scrapes on the car it looks like it used to. The things in back seat were still there. The trunk still locked.

But no keys. Thats an 8 page story in itself.

The guy at Fitzsimmons said insurance should be putting in a new ignition system, new door locks. A safety on the car an engine flush and the car cleaned from top to bottom. Still dosant make me feel good about driving it. I dont think I would feel safe.

So thats all I know.
Anyway I have phsyio today so i'm off to that!! I'll catch you later!

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