Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday!

Wow! Its been a short week and I only have 1 short day of work left tommorow! Then I'm rushing home to get ready for my friends wedding in the afternoon!! I managed to find an awesome clutch tonight at the mall and well its super HOTT!

Tommorow time is going to be tight. I'm working from 6 am till 12:30 pm at the latest. Rushing home to jump in the shower bang off some hair and makeup and be at the wedding for 3PM. I'm hopeing to leave early but 12:30 is the latest i'll be leaving work. I have everything laid out a overnight bag packed and everything ready to go like an assembly line!! Its also about a 45 min drive from the house to the resort.

I read Patricks best man speech and I burst out laughing a few times this afternoon it was very well written. Very him and much so the couple. Patrick isnt a very big public speaker so I gave him a few tips before he left today I think he will do well.

Tommorow should be a good day. I'm excited to say the very least! I think i'm caught up on housework! Laundry and dishes is done! So Sunday we can just take back thier gifts! Drop off the lawn mower and come home and laze around.

So i'm heading to bed! Wish me luck for tommorow! My house is waaay to quiet tonight!!! Patrick is allready at the resort spending the night with the groom and groomsmen. The dog has all ready been dropped off at his parents house! Night Night!!

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